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Sensory Cells and Circuits Lab

Lab Alumni

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Maria Anaya, Postbac IRTA

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Arnab Barik, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Fellow

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Marek Brodzki, Special Volunteer

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Colin Burnes, Postbac IRTA

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Taylor Gordon, Postbac IRTA (2017–2018)

Raíza Rafael-Bonomo Hardy, Ph.D. Postdoctoral Fellow

Raíza Rafael-Bonomo Hardy, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Fellow

Raíza Rafael-Bonomo Hardy was a postdoctoral fellow in the Sensory Cells and Circuits Lab. She graduated from the Federal University of Sao Paulo in 2014 with a B.S. in biomedical sciences. She then obtained her M.S. in cell and molecular biology from Illinois Institute of Technology in 2016. Raíza earned her Ph.D. in cell and molecular physiology from Loyola University Chicago (2021). Her Ph.D. dissertation aimed at understanding how gut microbiome dysbiosis in obesity could be linked to neuropathy and neuropathic pain. Raíza joined the Sensory Cells and Circuits Lab in the fall of 2021, and she worked on the role of Piezo2 in proprioception and dexterous behavior. Her work was supported by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke Competitive Fellowship Award. 

Monessha Jayabalan 2022 headshot

Monessha Jayabalan, Postbaccalaureate Fellow

Monessha Jayabalan was a postbac IRTA research fellow in the Sensory Cells and Circuits Lab. Monessha graduated with a B.S. from Allegheny College with a major in neuroscience and a minor in economics. She then received her M.S. from American University in biotechnology, with a specialization in drug design and discovery. She worked on a project focused on using behavioral assays and circuit manipulation to understand the descending modulation of pain by predator threats. 

Ruby Lam, Chesler Lab, DIR

Ruby Lam, Predoctoral Fellow

Ruby Lam, B.S., was a predoctoral fellow in the Sensory Cells and Circuits Lab and a graduate student in the Brown Graduation Partnership Program. She holds a degree from Emory University (B.S. in neuroscience and behavior biology, predictive health 2014). She joined the lab in 2017 after postbaccalaureate work in Dr. Shih-Chieh Lin's lab, where she studied basal forebrain circuitry. In the Sensory Cells and Circuits Lab, dhe studied molecules and neurons underlying touch. Broadly, she is interested in understanding the components necessary for creating adequate sensory perceptions. 

View Ruby Lam's publications.

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Eileen Nguyen, Postbac IRTA

Alec Nickolls 2022 headshot

Alec Nickolls, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Fellow

Alec Nickolls, Ph.D., was a postdoc fellow in the Sensory Cells and Circuits Lab. 

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Jennifer Osborne, Postbac IRTA

Jennifer Osborne, B.S., was a post baccalaureate fellow in the Sensory Cells and Circuits Lab.

Caroline Pierotti, DIR Chesler Lab

Caroline Pierotti, Postbac IRTA

Caroline Pierotti was a postbaccalaureate fellow in the Sensory Cells and Circuits Lab. She graduated from Oberlin College in 2022 with a major in neuroscience and minors in Hispanic studies and chemistry. Caroline is currently contributing to projects investigating the role of Piezo2 in proprioception and gentle touch. After completing her time at the National Institutes of Health, she plans to obtain a Ph.D. in neuroscience.

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Martin Rasmussen, Graduate Student

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Mathew Seltzer, Postbac IRTA

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Philina Yee, Postbac IRTA

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Sarah Shnayder, B.S., Postbac Fellow

Sarah Shnayder, B.S., was a post baccalaureate fellow in the Sensory Cells and Circuits Lab.

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Marcin Szczot, Ph.D., Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow

Marcin Szczot, Ph.D., was a visiting postdoc fellow in the Sensory Cells and Circuits Lab.