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Preferred Repositories

NCCIH has identified data repositories that may meet the needs of our grantees. Please view our list of selected generalist repositories (it is not comprehensive).

RepositoryDisciplinesMaximum File SizeCost To Deposit
PubMed Central supplementary material (attached to publications)All National Institutes of Health (NIH)-funded researchers may use PubMed Central to share data.Less than 2GBnone
Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR)Social and/or behavioral science (observational studies and clinical trials).30GB. Requests to exceed the limit can be made.none
VivliClinical trials data, data links to data contributors can share files up to 1TB. Larger files up to 100TB can be accommodated.membership
National Center for Biotechnology Information database of Genotypes and Phenotypes (dbGaP)NIH repository for genomic data (database of genotypes and phenotypes).5TB and/or 20TB none
FigshareAll NIH-funded researchers may use Figshare for free.20GB (default limit). Submit a support ticket for larger files up to 5TBtiered
DryadAll NIH-funded researchers may use Dryad, which contains mostly data from the disciplines of biology, ecology, and evolution.10GB (from computer), 300GB (from server or cloud)tiered
ZenodoAll NIH-funded researchers may use Zenodo, which is especially good for data with links to GitHub.50GBnone
Harvard Dataverse All NIH-funded researchers may use Dataverse. It is traditionally used for social science data.2.5GBnone
SynapseAll NIH-funded researchers may use Synapse. Sage Bionetworks provides Synapse services free to the scientific community and receives support for some portals from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, National Institute of Mental Health, National Institute on Aging, and foundations.10GB for free. Contact support for larger sizes.none
Mendeley DataAll NIH-funded researchers may use Mendeley, which links datasets to journals. Mendeley has a joint relationship with Zenodo.10GB per dataset; institutions with subscriptions may create datasets up to 100GBnone
IEEE DataPortAll NIH-funded researchers may use Dataport. It contains mostly engineering and related sciences data.up to 2TBnone
Natural Products Magnetic Resonance Database (NP-MRD)All NIH-funded researchers may use NP-MRD (Natural Products Magnetic Resonance Database). It contains all NMR data generated by the NCCIH natural products community. none
Open Science Framework (OSF)All NIH-funded researchers may use OSF, but the pioneers who used this platform focused on experimental psychology and cancer biology.5GB (larger files can be stored through an add-on)membership