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Frequently Asked Questions: HEAL Initiative Pain Research Enhancement Program (PREP) (R15 Clinical Trial Optional)

This page includes questions and answers compiled to help researchers interested in the Helping to End Addiction Long-term® Initiative, or NIH HEAL Initiative®, Pain Research Enhancement Program (PREP) R15 notice of funding opportunity (NOFO). PREP closely resembles other National Institutes of Health (NIH) research enhancement awards. 

HEAL Initiative: Pain Research Enhancement Program (PREP) (R15 Clinical Trial Optional) RFA-AT-25-001

The purpose of this initiative is to: 

  1. Support basic and mechanistic pain research from R15-eligible undergraduate-focused serving institutions, health professional schools, or graduate schools; 
  2. Promote integrated, interdisciplinary research partnerships between principal investigators (PIs) from R15-eligible institutions and investigators from U.S. domestic institutions; and 
  3. Enhance the pain research environment at R15-eligible institutions for health professional students, undergraduate students, and/or graduate students through active engagement in pain research.

The application receipt dates are November 19, 2024; October 28, 2025; and October 27, 2026

Participating NIH Institutes and Centers include:

  • National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health
  • National Institute on Aging 
  • National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
  • National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases 
  • Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
  • National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke 

Questions? Please contact us with your questions or to discuss your specific aims. Email us at

Want to learn more? View the recording of an information session held on September 30, 2024 (below). The event was hosted by the RAND REACH Center

What types of research does PREP support?

PREP supports basic and mechanistic pain research from R15-eligible undergraduate-focused serving institutions, health professional schools, or graduate schools. The NIH HEAL Initiative is prioritizing highly innovative pain research focused on interdisciplinary mechanistic pain research topics. Projects may focus on basic pain research using preclinical (e.g., animal or in silico) models or involve research participants. This program will also support mechanistic and/or “basic experimental studies involving humans” (BESH) clinical trials. These projects should be hypothesis driven and use a rigorous scientific design to generate research data/evidence and advance scientific knowledge. Projects should also have attainable objectives that can be accomplished within the proposed 3-year grant period.

Who is eligible to apply to the NIH HEAL Initiative’s PREP?

Investigators from either undergraduate-focused institutions or health professional schools or graduate schools are eligible to apply to this program. Investigators must have a primary appointment at an R15-eligible institution or college within the institution and may not concurrently serve as a program director (PD)/PI on another active NIH grant. Like other NIH research enhancement awards, institutional support factors into eligibility. A provost letter verifying institutional eligibility is required.

Are there specific considerations to keep in mind when forming a research team?

There are several unique requirements to keep in mind when building a research team. First, PREP requires applications to include at least one subaward collaboration with a separate domestic research institution. Notably, the collaborator does not need to be R15-eligible. However, no more than one-third of the total project budget can be dedicated to proposed subcontracts. In addition, it is expected that two-thirds of the total study team, including the proposed PD/PI, key personnel, and students involved in the research project, are affiliated with an R15-eligible institution. This information should be included in a separate three-page team management plan. The plan should also address other important points, including the team’s composition and individual roles of team members, leadership structure, resource sharing, credit assignment for work accomplished, team communication plans, and specifics about proposed data sharing.

What are some ways my application can enhance the research environment of my institution?

PREP awards, like other NIH research enhancement awards, are designed to strengthen R15-eligible research institutions’ research programs. Meritorious applications will demonstrate how the proposed research program and collaboration(s) will enhance the research program at the R15 institution. Of particular interest are applications that propose novel and innovative strategies that enhance student engagement in pain research. Applications should use the required Facilities & Other Resources document to show how the proposed research partnerships will strengthen pain research and enhance student engagement at the R15-elible institution. 

Finally, applications to this program must include a Plan for Enhancing Diverse Perspectives (PEDP) document. The purpose of this document is to advance the scientific and technical merit of the proposed project through expanded inclusivity. Meritorious applications will align their proposed strategies for PEDP with the research strategy section, providing a holistic and integrated view of how enhancing diverse perspectives and inclusivity are buoyed throughout the application.

I have additional questions about this program. Are there other resources or contacts to whom I can reach out?

Aside from specific differences detailed in RFA-AT-25-001 and highlighted here, PREP closely resembles other NIH research enhancement awards. NIH has a separate FAQ for these related programs, which can serve as a great resource for any additional questions. For specific guidance, please contact us directly (

Information Session - September 30, 2024